As one of the most popular questions, both over the line and in person. The answers can break down into 2 key points:
1.) The transplanted hair – Transplanted hair is moved from the hind neck and shall not fall, as they do not have DHT Hormone receptor. Such quality, which is part of the hair, can guarantee that they will never fall. They shall stay with you as long as the hair in the hind neck area, where they are originated.
2.) Natural hair in other areas – This is where the problem is. If the patience is in a family with a history of baldness, it is likely that this natural hair will fall over time. Medication can prevent this hair from falling.
How can I know whether I should take medicine or not? … Here is where the doctor comes in, and it is depending on many factors that each individual patient is facing. Factors such as ages, the level of hair thickness, family history of baldness, and more. It does not mean that everyone will have to take medication.
Is it ok if I do not want to take medicine? … It is entirely up to you. In some cases where patience has a high possibility of losing natural hair, they may have to come back for further hair transplantation if medications are not taken.